Friday, April 2, 2010


I've decided to pick up the blog again. Re-phrase: I've decided to re-attempt keeping up the blog although the semester is almost over. Since a lot has happened, or I'd like to think a lot has happened, I might re-cap some of the highlights.
Currently, my mind is sort of a jumble of thoughts, plans, and expectations tossing around as the clock ticks. I've come to the conclusion that I have to step back and just let things fall into place. Since I'll be posting what I've already done, here are some of the things I'm looking forward to:
1. BUDAPEST -- (eeek, more on this later)
2. Aunt Kim is coming to Paris ... 1 week in Paris
3. My mom comes to France
4. Finishing work for the semester
5. Good summer plans (U.S. or Europe???)
Enough though. More later.

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