Friday, June 26, 2009


With only a few days left before students come to school, you can imagine the amount of noise and preparation going on at the school. Not only are the builders hurrying to finish the new addition to the school, but ten new teachers are being trained, others are making lesson plans, cleaning the rooms, or patching up anything that’s been broken. The noise isn’t any different, but people are here long after I return from the village school and begin work early too.
The new addition to the school will not be finished as planned, but it’s amazing to see how fast all the rooms go up. In the month that I’ve been here, workers have literally built about 6 new rooms for the school. It’s expected that in mid-July they will be ready for use.
School being only a week away also means that this is my last week of teaching at the village school. I know I will miss the students even though it will free up my afternoons. It will give me a chance to explore the city and maybe find a concrete research topic. As far as my well-being goes, that’s another story. I arrived in India thinking that I would surpass the usual ‘Delhi-Belly’ or other travelers’ illnesses, but I was wrong. After arriving from my week-long trip, I immediately caught a case of the Delhi-Belly, also known to others as Montezuma’s Revenge (but I’m not in Mexico, am I?). I didn’t do anything about it because I figured it was a matter of toughing it out and letting the bug pass, but this wasn’t the case. Wednesday, I finally hit a low and thought it might be a good idea to tell someone. The clinic across the street, not to be confused with the one on the corner, or the thousands of others in the city (you’d be surprised how well-equipped this city is with doctors), prescribed me some pills which I am now reluctantly taking along with electrolyte water. I kindly suggest for any reader never to try electrolyte water as it is possibly one of the most disgusting drinkable liquids. This also means that I have to survive on a pretty simple diet free of spices, fried things, un-fresh things, and hope to be well sometime before I go home.


  1. Ay ana,
    Que horrible! Nunca hay tenido eso pero no hay oido que es divertido. I laughed at your post about the rickshaw, you are quite the character :D, I am looking one up on google now. I am excited to keep reading up on your trip and to see you in August :)
    Ojala que te sientas mejor pronto <3

  2. Just last evening I was telling our local wine sommelier about your trip, as he had just returned from a 3 month tour of India & Thailand, and the first thing he asked was if you had gotten ill, yet. Hope you are feeling much better now.
